Climate protection concept – Who does what?
Although the climate action team at FAU takes a leading role in drafting the climate action plan, at the end of the day, the drafting of the plan is mainly down to one thing: teamwork.
The following gives a breakdown of the most important people and groups of stakeholders who take a leading role in drawing up the climate action plan.
Climate action at FAU
In January 2023, a climate action team was established at the Green Office of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität to take control of the entire process of drafting the climate action plan. The climate action team consults and involves all the relevant groups of stakeholders and coordinates and organizes all necessary steps, starting with collecting data and calculating the GHG balance, to convening, moderating and guiding the steering committee and working groups, to consolidating and setting down the results in the climate action plan.
Your point of contact
for all questions, matters or ideas relating to the FAU climate action plan or climate action at FAU in general:
David Brenner
Ka-STAB - Stabsstellen des Kanzlers
Stabsstelle Green Office Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz
- Phone number: +4991318571164
- Email:
HIS-Institut für Hochschulentwicklung
A team of three people at the HIS-Institut für Hochschulentwicklung (HIS-HE for short) offer valuable advice and support for drawing up the climate action plan. Through involvement in drawing up climate action plans for other universities, HIS-HE has a wealth of experience and knowledge that FAU can benefit from when it comes to proceeding through the various steps in the process as effectively as possible, keeping an eye on the overall process and finally obtaining a productive and well-founded result tailored to FAU in the form of the climate action plan.
Steering committee
The steering committee is the decision-making body for the integrated climate action plan at FAU. As well as the basic decision regarding which reduction targets the FAU aims to set itself on the basis of the GHG balance, the existing potential and the necessity of taking rapid climate action, the members of the steering committee also appoint important experts to the working groups for the climate action plan. After the first meeting of the steering committee, several working groups are formed in which possible climate action measures at FAU are developed, discussed and assessed. At the end of the day, the steering committee is responsible for assessing the feasibility of the measures suggested by the working groups and deciding which of the proposals ought to be included in the catalog of measures in the climate action plan and how to implement them in future.
Working groups
Several working groups are formed for deciding on the content of the catalog of measures in the climate action plan. The working groups deal with topics relevant to climate action at FAU such as energy, mobility or procurement. The working groups are expected to discuss the feasibility of the suggested measures submitted via the idea box for the climate action plan. They should also make further suggestions for measures themselves. The working groups are therefore responsible for taking important decisions that have a key impact on the final content of the climate action plan.
Funding bodies
Funding for drafting an integrated climate action plan at FAU is provided by the municipal authorities. All the relevant information about funding is available below.
KSI (Klimaschutzinitiative, National Climate Initiative): Climate action plan for Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Funding code: 67K21621
January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024
National Climate Initiative
With the National Climate Initiative, the Federal Government has initiated and promoted numerous projects since 2008 that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Their programs and projects cover a wide range of climate action activities: from the development of long-term strategies to specific assistance and funding measures. This diversity ensures good ideas. The National Climate Initiative contributes to anchoring targeted climate action. Consumers as well as businesses, local authorities and educational institutions all benefit from the initiative.