
Welcome to the FAU Green Office website!

The FAU Green Office was established in April 2020 at the request of our students and has been the central coordinating body for sustainability and climate action issues at FAU since then. It is run jointly by students and members of staff.

It coordinates, consolidates and initiates projects and activities relating to sustainability at the University. At the same time, it acts as a platform helping students and members of staff to promote sustainability. This assignment covers various fields of university action: operations and campus management, teaching, research and transfer as well as university decision-making structures (governance).

The Green Office also performs central functions for FAU, such as purchasing emissions certificates or reporting on climate action.



On February 28, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its latest (second) contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report. In this report, climate scientists assess the current state of knowledge and adaption options for climate change. One of the contributing authors is FAU Pro...

Category: Allgemeine Neuigkeiten

Survey on mobility behaviour has started Have you received an email recently with the subject "Umfrage zum Mobilitätsverhalten: Bitte um Ihre Beteiligung / Survey on mobility habits"? Please make the most of this opportunity to contribute your expertise about your location to this important surv...

The Green Office is committed to promoting and expanding the use of the search engine Ecosia in the FAU network. The environmentally-friendly search engine searches efficiently by minimizing data transfer and also plants trees – indirectly. Ecosia has already planted over 152 million trees in over 3...

Category: English, General news, Our projects

2022's Motto: Sustainability Sustainability and climate protection, arguably the most important topics of the Anthropocene Preserving or, in some cases, restoring our ecosystems is an epochal task that challenges all of humanity. In order for this to succeed, the way we live and operate must be un...

Category: English, General news